Worms are necessary food for Little Birds.
Birds of Prey hunt and kill in the day, in the night.
Happy or Sad, Mad, or Glad.
You can tell the dudes who are in Love. Their career is stalling.
They have sold out their Killing Instinct for a Woman.
Worms and Peasants always educated on things that don't matter.
Always, Forrest Gumping their way through life.
They don't get anywhere.
The may go somewhere.
But end up nowhere but Therapy.
You cannot quit this life without erasing yourself and becoming another statistic.
You can get get through this life with stringent and stubborn action of purpose, devotion and dedication via Weights, Martial Arts, and even Songwriting. All great vehicles for expressing that you are not a bitch in this world.
- NerdsNeverWin.